The future of the world is in green energy, in renewable sources, in self-sustainability of society.
For us, the future is today!
Photovoltaic power plants
To use solar energy in the best possible way
Hydro power plants
Because water is the driving force of our planet
Wind power plants
We cannot stop the wind, but we can adapt and use its power for our needs
Electric power plants of bio gas and bio mass
Agriculture as a function of energy and energy as a function of agriculture
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RES on first glance

  • Price from RES
  • Sale price

Користете ја силата на ветерот

Фотоволтаични ќелии

Чиста, зелена енергија

Energy produced - per KWh

Photovoltaic - 76 KWh
Hydropower plant - 61 KWh
Windmill - 43 KWh

Price comparison

  • Price from RES
  • Competition

Our investors and partners

We provide energy from our own renewable sources and from other registered energy producers in the market.

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Renewable Energy Supply . . .

The future of the world is in green energy, in renewable sources, in self-sustainability of society. For us, the future is today!

Renewable Energy Supply is your best choice for all services related to electricity trade. For our customers, we offer the best and most diverse packages for the supply and/or purchase of electricity.